30 community volunteers trained and 2,219 people sensitized

Involvement of populations and CSOs/COBs in the implementation and monitoring of SRMNEA actions to reduce maternal and child mortality in the northern region of Cameroon.

Problematic issues

Cameroon is committed to the GFF initiative to end preventable deaths of mothers, newborns, children and adolescents by 2030. To achieve this, the Investment File has been prepared. It aims to address cross-cutting issues in the health system and improve the quality of care, drug and medical supply chains, as well as health information systems, including vital statistics and registration systems.

This initiative takes place in a context marked by the weight of culture on the habits of the populations and a weak community mobilization around the GFF and the investment file for the SRMNEA in general and by civil society in particular, hence the implementation of this programme by Positive-Generation.

Methodology and methodology

The methodology adopted was the identification of CSO/CBOs implemented in the project implementation regions. Subsequently, community volunteers/participants in the training workshops were selected on the basis of their experience and ability to raise awareness and have more or less knowledge related to the theme. The strategy adopted was to raise awareness within socio-cultural associations because they bring together people from different social classes and meet according to specific groups (women, young people, men), which in time makes it possible to reach a larger number of people, with targeted messages in order to generate demand for services. As well, data collection officers were selected based on their ability to access available SRMNEA health care and services information.


  • 30 community volunteers trained and 2,219 people sensitized;
  • 15 collection agents train

The collection of data related to the SRMNEA has led to the understanding that some services are available, but do not have qualified personnel (see Figure 2) and vaccines are not always available (see Figure 1). In addition, the sensitizations and questions asked made it possible to understand that there is a lack of information from the population on the services offered in relation to maternal, newborn, child and adolescent reproductive health (SRMNEA).


The implementation of the GFF programme activities has had an impact that can be analysed at more than one level. On the one hand, the capacity building of CSOs based in the regions where the GFF is implemented, which will now integrate into their activities awareness raising, monitoring of actions carried out within the framework of the GFF and advocacy actions; and on the other hand, the increase in demand for SRMNEA services from the population.

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